Socio-cultural Dimensions of Rare Diseases: The Case of LCHAD Deficiency. A Comparative Study of Poland and Finland
Grant number: 2015/17/B/HS3/00107
Duration: 01.2016-07.2019
Funding: National Science Center (OPUS 9)
Principal Investigator: Małgorzata Rajtar
Researchers: Anna Kwaśniewska, Anna Chowaniec
This project was based at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. The project had three objectives. First, it aimed at examining experiences of adult patients and families of children with a rare, genetic disease called Long-Chain 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (LCHADD) as a case study for other rare, “orphan” diseases prevalent in Poland (especially in the Pomerania region) and Finland. Second, it aimed at analyzing entanglements of diverse agents, such as patients with LCHADD who undergo dietary and medical treatment, their families, their physicians, and medical institutions. Third, by attending to processes of “geneticization” (Lippman 1991), the project examined how people make sense of genes and incorporate them into “older” cultural categories, such as “blood” and “curse” that have been ascribed to their social and group identities.
The project aimed at comparing two regions—Pomerania in Poland and southern Finland—that have been singled out by genetic researchers due to their biological similarity. By utilizing ethnographic and archival research methods, it went, however, beyond medical definitions. The project argued that establishing "carrier frequency" and biomedical symptoms of rare diseases does not account for daily experiences and problems of patients and/or families with children who have LCHADD. Neither does it tell us how individuals, communities, and the state “redefine biological findings into potent cultural idioms” (Wailoo 2007: 671). Furthermore, biomedical definitions tend to overlook culturally and politically ambivalent issues of genes and genetic research on rare diseases in contemporary societies.
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