The Rare Disease Social Research Center (RDSRC) at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology PAS and the research group of the project An Anthropology of Rare Diseases. A Study of the Baltic Sea Region invite social scientists, researchers in humanities, philosophy, and medical sciences as well as other academics and professionals interested in socio-cultural dimensions of medical issues, to participate in seminars:
“Society and Technologies on Health and Illness”.
The development of biomedical technologies and the medicalization of daily life suggest that an interdisciplinary analysis of social problems related to health, illness, and treatment is of paramount importance. The seminars will allow us to critically discuss these issues. Along with invited lectures, we are open to presentations based on work-in-progress research.
The seminars are coordinated by
Please feel free to contact us at: or
Forthcoming seminars
Previous seminars
30.10.2023 –Dr. Natalia Pamuła (American Studies Center, University of Warsaw), Aktywistyczne spowiedzi w 2014 i 2018 roku: czy w Polsce pojawiła się niepełnosprawnościowa kultura konfesyjna? >>>
26.09.2023 – Dr. Eva-Maria Knoll (Institute for Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences), Therapeutic remoteness: Concepts and approaches for an anthropology of health at the margins >>>
22.06.2023 – Prof. Nicoletta Diasio (Université de Strasbourg, Laboratoire interdisciplinaire en études culturelles, IUF), Age transitions and medical transitions from paediatric to adult service >>>
26.04.2022 – Dr. Maria Węgrzynowska (Department of Obstetrics, Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw), „’Taka normalna, wyjątkowa ciąża’ – doświadczenia kobiet, które zdecydowały się na kontynuację ciąży po letalnej diagnozie płodu”. >>>
25.01.2022 – Dr. Anna Chowaniec (Center for Bioethics and Biolaw, University of Warsaw), „Niech pożywienie będzie lekarstwem, a lekarstwo pożywieniem”. Doświadczenia rodzin dzieci zdiagnozowanych z fenyloketonurią. >>>
14.12.2021 – Dr. Pauline McCormack (Newcastle University), “Biosociality in Rare Disease Advocacy – helpful or harmful?”. >>>
26.11.2021 – Dr. Stefan Reinsch (Brandenburg Medical School), “Immigrants to health: The practices of everyday life with a rare chronic illness”. >>>
27.10.2021 – Dr. Daniel Navon (University of California San Diego), “Mobilizing Mutations: Remaking the Normal vs. Pathological in Genomic Medicine and Patient Advocacy”. >>>
17.06.2021 – Prof. Linda M. Blum (Northeastern University, Boston), “Studying Invisible Disabilities, Inequality, and Family Life in the Contemporary U.S.” >>>
20.05.2021 – Dr Juliana Manzoni Cavalcanti (University of São Paulo, Brazil), “Sickle cell disease medical history in Brazil and global politics”. >>>
22.04.2021 – Dr Rebecca Dimond (Cardiff University), “Hope, fear and human genetic modification”. >>>
25.03.2021 – Prof. Vololona Rabeharisoa (Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, UMR CNRS i3 PSL MINES ParisTech), “«Evidence-based activism» and the multiple paths of democracy”. >>>
25.02.2021 – Prof. Mette Bech Risør (The Arctic University of Norway), “Caught up in care – chronic fatigue and self-management”. >>>
28.01.2021 – Dr Anna Klepikova and Anna Altukhova (European University at St. Petersburg), “Trust and Belief: Parents of Children with Disabilities in the Therapeutic Landscape of Contemporary Ulan-Ude (Republic of Buryatia, Russia)”. >>>
15.12.2020 – Prof. Christian Munthe (University of Gothenburg), “The ethics of screening for rare disease”. >>>
24.11.2020 – Dr Eva-Maria Knoll (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna), “Haemoglobinopathies and Remoteness: Treatment and Prevention in the Maldives and Austria”.
29.10.2020 – Dr Karoliina Snell (Docent, University of Helsinki), “‘Well, I knew this already’ – genetic risk information and narratives of health and illness”.
16.06.2020 – Dr Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz (dr hab., University of Warsaw), “Hormon wzrostu i nadziei. Zespół Turnera w perspektywie antropologicznej” [“Hormone of growth and hope. Turner syndrome in an anthropological perspective”]
26.05.2020 – Dr Ewa Głąb-Jabłońska (Institute of Mother and Child, Warsaw), “Choroby rzadkie w badaniach przesiewowych noworodków w Polsce – stan aktualny i perspektywy” [“Rare diseases in the newborn screening panel in Poland – present state and perspectives”]
25.02.2020 – Maria Libura (University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn), “Nierówności w zdrowiu” [“Health inequalities”]